M1-1D Zoning in NYC Explained

by | Last updated Apr 16, 2021 | NYC Zoning

M1-1D Zoning is a Light Manufacturing Zoning district in NYC. In the M1-1D district there are multiple uses you can develop, including manufacturing, commercial, community facility, and residential in certain cases. You can find M1-1D Zoning in Astoria and Flushing Queens.


M1D Zoning Districts

M1 Zoning districts


M1-1D Zoning Residential Use

The M1-1D Zoning District is a sub district of M1 Zoning in NYC. M1 is a Light Manufacturing Zoning District having manufacturing, commercial, and community facility uses. M1-1D is very similar to M1-1 zoning, except that you may be able to develop residential use in an M1-1D zoning district with proper authorization from the Department of City Planning. The M1-1D zoning use regulations also apply to the M1-1 Zoning District in Queens Community District 12, bounded by 95th Avenue, 148th Street, 97th Avenue and 147th Place.


Qualifying for Residential Use in M1-1D Zoning

You may be able to build a residential building or house in a M1D zoning district but there are restrictions. The individual lot must satisfy some criteria such as reaching thresholds for existing residential use on the surrounding properties. The existing use of the lot in question will affect this application.

A residential development in any M1D Zoning District will require approval from the Department of City Planning. This is a lengthy and involved process, but as long as the property qualifies and the proposed development is in adherence with all other zoning codes, you will be able to proceed with the development.


M1-1D Zoning Specifications

If you are proposing a development in M1-1D that does not have any residential use, you will follow the zoning regulations for M1-1 Zoning. Developments for residential buildings will have different regulations.

M1-1D Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

Floor Area Ratio = 1.65 for Residential Use

We have another post you can check out to learn more about Floor Area Ratio Calculations.

Dwelling Unit Factor DU or Density Factor

Dwelling Unit Factor = 675

Building Height

Max Building Height = 32 feet

Rear Yard

Rear Yard = 30 feet


Hotel Zoning in M1-1D Zoning

Hotels are no longer As of Right in M1-1 Zoning. Developing a hotel in an M1 district now requires a special permit. We have another post you can read on the special permit for Hotel Zoning in M1 zoning districts.


M1-1D Zoning Regulations

As an architect I study property development and zoning, but New York City Zoning is very complicated. This article is only meant to review basic Zoning Codes as a general introduction. This analysis does not assume to cover every possible issue, but merely to provide a general overview of the zoning codes. This post is not a substitution for the NYC Zoning Resolution or any other applicable Codes or Regulations.


Thank You for reading our Blog Post on M1-1D Zoning in NYC.

I hope this was helpful. You can leave questions or comments below. If you want to discuss a specific project with an architect you can contact us directly.


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Jorge Fontan
Jorge Fontan

This post was written by Jorge Fontan AIA a Registered Architect and owner of New York City architecture firm Fontan Architecture. Jorge Fontan has earned 3 degrees in the study of architecture including two degrees from the City University of New York and a Masters Degree in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. Jorge has a background in construction and has been practicing architecture for 20 years where he has designed renovations and new developments of various building types.