The NYC Zoning Resolution has Use Groups to categorize buildings based on their use. NYC Zoning Use Group 17 is manufacturing uses.
Certificate Of Occupancy for Use Group 17
Use Groups are listed on the Certificate Of Occupancy for a building. Use Group 17 has five categories. A Certificate Of Occupancy or CO for Use Group 17 would identify the use of spaces as:
- 17A
- 17B
- 17C
- 17D
- 17E
Use Group 17A Service Or Wholesale Establishments
Use Group 17A consists of certain Service or Wholesale Establishments.
- Building materials or contractors’ yards, with no limitation on lot area per establishment, except that lumber yards up to 20,000 square feet of lot area.
- Produce or meat markets, wholesale
Use Group 17B Manufacturing Establishments
Manufacturing facilities of the following:
- Adhesives
- Advertising displays
- Aircraft, including parts
- Apparel or other textile products
- Automobiles, trucks, or trailers, including parts or rebuilding of engines
- Beverages, non-alcoholic
- Boats less than 200 feet in length, building or repair
- Bottling, for all beverages
- Brushes or brooms
- Cameras or other photographic equipment, except film
- Canvas or canvas products
- Carpets
- Ceramic products
- Chemicals, compounding or packaging
- Cork products
- Cosmetics or toiletries
- Cotton ginning, or cotton wadding or linters
- Electrical appliances, including lighting fixtures, irons, fans, toasters, electric toys, or similar appliances
- Electrical equipment assembly, including home radio or television receivers, home movie equipment, or similar products, but not including electrical machinery
- Electrical supplies, including wire or cable assembly, switches, lamps, insulation, dry cell batteries, or similar supplies
- Film, photographic
- Food products, except slaughtering of meat or preparation of fish for packing
- Fur goods, not including tanning or dyeing
- Glass products from previously manufactured glass
- Hair, felt, or feather products, except washing, curing or dyeing
- Hosiery
- Ice, dry or natural
- Ink or inked ribbon
- Jute, hemp, sisal or oakum products
- Laboratories, research, experimental or testing
- Leather products, including shoes, machine belting, or similar products
- Luggage
- Machines, business, including typewriters, accounting machines, calculators, card-counting equipment, or similar products
- Machinery, miscellaneous, including washing machines, firearms, refrigerators, air-conditioning, commercial motion picture equipment, or similar products
- Machine tools, including metal lathes, metal presses, metal stamping machines, woodworking machines, or similar products
- Mattresses, including rebuilding or renovating
- Metal finishing, plating, grinding, sharpening, polishing, cleaning, rust-proofing, heat treatment, or similar processes
- Metal stamping or extrusion, including costume jewelry, pins and needles, razor blades, bottle caps, buttons, kitchen utensils, or similar products
- Motorcycles, including parts
- Musical instruments, including pianos or organs
- Novelty products
- Optical equipment, clocks or similar precision instruments
- Orthopedic or medical appliances, including artificial limbs, braces, supports, stretchers, or similar appliances
- Paper products, including envelopes, stationery, bags, boxes, shipping containers, bulk goods, tubes, wallpaper printing, or similar products
- Perfumes or perfumed soaps, compounding only
- Pharmaceutical products
- Plastic products, including tableware, phonograph records, buttons, or similar product
- Printing or publishing, with no limitation on floor area per establishment
- Rubber products, such as washers, gloves, footwear, bathing caps, atomizers, or similar products, excluding manufacture of natural or synthetic rubber
- Scenery construction
- Shoddy
- Silverware, plate or sterling
- Soap or detergents, packaging only
- Sporting or athletic equipment, including balls, baskets, cues, gloves, bats, racquets, rods, or similar products
- Statuary, mannequins, figurines, or religious art goods, excluding foundry operations
- Steel products, miscellaneous fabrication or assembly, including steel cabinets, doors, fencing, metal furniture, or similar products
- Textiles, spinning, weaving, manufacturing, dyeing, printing, knit goods, yarn, thread or cordage
- Tobacco, including curing or tobacco products
- Tools or hardware, including bolts, nuts, screws, doorknobs, drills, hand tools or cutlery, hinges, house hardware, locks, non-ferrous metal castings, plumbing appliances, or similar products
- Toys
- Umbrellas
- Upholstering, bulk, excluding upholstering shops dealing directly with consumers
- Vehicles, children’s, including bicycles, scooters, wagons, baby carriages, or similar vehicles
- Venetian blinds, window shades, or awnings, with no limitation on production or on floor area per establishment
- Wax products
- Wood products, including furniture, boxes, crates, baskets, pencils, cooperage works, or similar products
Use Group 17C Miscellaneous Uses
- Agriculture, including greenhouses, nurseries or truck gardens
- Docks for passenger ocean vessels other than gambling vessels
- Docks for sightseeing, excursion or sport fishing vessels, other than gambling vessels, with no limitation on vessel or dock capacity
- Docks for vessels not otherwise listed other than docks for gambling vessels
- Public transit, railroad or electric utility substations, open or enclosed, with no limitation as to size
- Railroads, including rights-of-way, freight terminals, yards or appurtenances, or facilities or services used or required in railroad operations, but not including passenger stations
- Truck weighing stations, open or enclosed
- Trucking terminals or motor freight stations with no limitation on lot area
Use Group 17D
Live work artist space in M1-5A and M1-5B
- Joint Live Work For Artists
Use Group 17E
Use Group 17E is for accessory uses to the other uses in Group 17.
Where Can You Build Use Group 17 in NYC?
Manufacturing Zoning Districts
Manufacturing Zones allow for Use Group 17
NYC Zoning Use Group 17
As an architect, I study Zoning Codes closely, but these are complicated and quite involved issues. In this article, we reviewed some of the basic concepts with regards to the NYC Zoning Use Group 17. This post does not assume to cover every possible issue or condition, but provide a general overview of the topic.
Thank you for reading our blog post on Use Group 17 in the NYC Zoning Code.
I hope this was helpful. If you would like to speak with an architect about a potential project you can contact us at Fontan Architecture directly.
Contact Fontan Architecture
This post was written by Jorge Fontan AIA a Registered Architect and owner of New York City architecture firm Fontan Architecture. Jorge Fontan has earned 3 degrees in the study of architecture including two degrees from the City University of New York and a Masters Degree in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University. Jorge has a background in construction and has been practicing architecture for 20 years where he has designed renovations and new developments of various building types.