You Need an Architect To Build a House in NYC

You Need an Architect To Build a House in NYC

In order to obtain permits to build a house in New York City an Architect must prepare and file plans with the Department Of Buildings. A new house would be filed as an “NB” New Building Application with NYC DOB. The application will be reviewed for zoning...
What to Know About Hiring An Architect

What to Know About Hiring An Architect

If you are going to embark an a construction project you are probably going to be hiring an architect. There are many issues to consider and this may seem like a difficult task. Hiring an Architect is not the most common everyday thing you will do in your life so we...
Architectural Fees

Architectural Fees

Architectural Fee structure can come in many forms from hourly, percentage of construction, per square foot, or flat rates. Depending on the architect the architectural fees may have varying structures and these may also vary based on the project type. Different...